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1. Reduction in lnstallation Costs Without requirements of constructing a water tank, a pump, or a pipe necessary to install an indoor fire-plug, it is the most suitable for reduction in the cost and improvement in operation and can replace an indoor fire-plug. 2. Superior Durability Using SUS304 as a semi-permanent airtight container to store an agent, it can reduce the maintenance cost. 3. Easy Manipulation, Checkup, and Maintenance It can also cope with earthquake or electric breakdown through simlpe manual operation and be easily checked and maintained with all functions put in a box. 4. Superior Fire-Extinguishing Capacity It has approximately ten times more excellent fire-extinguishing capacity than water, and can completely extinguish a fire through oxygen exclusion, refrigeration, and fire prevention, using a fire-extinguishing agent which is environment-friendly and harmless to human body. 5. Antifreezing With a freezing point temperature below -24℃, it can be kept and used outdoors even in winter. 6. Application Places It can be used at all places including stores like restaurants, subways, temples, schools, educational institutes, hospitals, offices, kindergartens, and asylums for the aged and put out not only a fire at an early stage but a diffused fire with its emission time about over three minutes.

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